I’m sitting having breakfast not in the garden like previous days because it rained heavily a few hours ago and now its cloudy and dull and there has been quite a drop in temperature. I feel sad that the good weather has gone and will soon be forgotten by most of us. But I am not put off as I have to prepare for two exhibitions this weekend.
Church Hall, Port Isaac, North Cornwall
I’m struggling a bit with this exhibition, not with the paintings I want to display but how to display them. My allotted area is quite small so not too sure how many paintings to take but I’ll manage.
I recently purchased some small stands for paintings – expensive yeah! But worth their money it will make my display look smart.
The church hall recently had a break in and some of the free-standing boards were vandalised and it’s these that was going to separate the various areas and we could’ve hung paintings on them. Now its back to small tables covered with a black sheet. ‘Black’ I can hear you say but honesty black shows paintings off so well. I’ll take a photo and show you later in another post.
Tintagel, North Cornwall
This is a two week exhibition and well worth the money for the fuel. Downside is we, that is my son and myself, have to be there at 08.00 to hand in – is there really an 08.00 in the morning?
Five paintings and two unframed for the browser already to go. Labelled and submission form completed.
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