Another scorcher today but here its clouding over and is noticeably cooler.
This morning I said goodbye to a 60×60 cm painting although I liked it, it wasn’t quite right, so I have painted over it *oh dear naughty me* no not naughty and now it’s a work in progress. I chose orange, lemon yellow to be the main bright colours with black as a contrast but during my many short visits to my studio it keeps changing as my intuition kicks in.
Differences, yes I have a few in mainly circles to contrast the straight lines but there is also texture.
This morning a bird got caught in some netting I have to protect my gooseberries from being stolen by the birds, grrr they get most of my blackcurrants. I managed to pick the bird up s/he was so still in my hands and so soft to touch.I managed to untangle its wings, it seemed to look at me as though it knew I was helping. Freed it flew away to live another day.
I’m very pleased that you managed to get another days blog on, well done me !!!!