The weather at the moment is very sticky, cloudy and rain is expected soon – fingers crossed it will arrive as we’ve put weed killer down on the lawn at my husbands advice.
UPDATE – its just started to rain and the fresh smell is lovely.
Win- Win Artist in Residence
I am artist in residence at The Ebernezer Gallery, Polperro until Sunday 31st July 2022.

Last night we took 18 paintings along most demonstrated my abstract style and set them up in the area designated for me turned out to be a fairly large area and I had taken just enough canvases along. Our son was with me and we had great fun with colours, labels and provenance slips that just wouldn’t stay stuck on, grrrr.
Beautiful Area
Not only a beautiful village but now I have enhanced it.

We’ll be back later in the week to set up a display of my greetings cards that feature my art.
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