Hi I’m back

Good evening, it’s me, I’m back after my hiatus. 

What have I been up to? Well ……….

I completed an art Creative Visionary Programme which has encouraged me to push my boundaries out, be bolder, be brighter, and to paint what I love. Hence my new series is based around beaches I love and they are mainly on The Isles of Scilly, UK

Our house is on the market and we have no idea where we want to move to so watch this space I may move close to you ………

I hate keeping the house tidy just in case someone wants to view it. Needless to say, my art studio/room/bedroom just cannot stay tidy, like wrangling cats.

Autumn has set in here and the silver birch is shedding its seeds everywhere, even had wretched seedlings growing in the car window rubber.

And yes!!! I have three paintings in the Cornwall, Colour and Coast exhibition up in Henley-on-Thames.

I’ll be seeing you.

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